Linear Circuit Analysis: Key Formulas for Resistors, Capacitors, and More

Essential Circuit Analysis Formulas

⚡ Essential Circuit Analysis Formulas⚡

📌 Basic Electrical Formulas

Ohm’s LawV = IRRelates voltage, current, and resistance
Power FormulaP = VI = I²R = V²/RDifferent power forms using Ohm’s law

🔥 Resistors & Capacitors

Resistors in SeriesReq = R1 + R2 + …Total resistance adds up
Resistors in Parallel1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + …Reciprocal sum for parallel resistance
Capacitors in Series1/Ceq = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + …Opposite of resistors
Capacitors in ParallelCeq = C1 + C2 + …Direct sum for parallel capacitors

⚙️ Inductor Formulas

Inductors in SeriesLeq = L1 + L2 + …Same as resistors in series
Inductors in Parallel1/Leq = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + …Same as resistors in parallel
Energy Stored in InductorW = (1/2) L i²Energy stored in a magnetic field
RL Time Constantτ = L/RTime constant for inductor current change

⚡ Voltage & Current Divider Rules

Voltage Divider Rule (VDR)Vx = Vtotal × (Rx / Rtotal)Used when resistors are in series
Current Divider Rule (CDR)Ix = Itotal × (Rother / Rtotal)Used when resistors are in parallel

🌀 Formulas

RC Charging VoltagevC(t) = Vf(1 - e-t/τ)Exponential capacitor charging
RC Discharging VoltagevC(t) = V0 e-t/τExponential capacitor discharging
RL Current ResponseiL(t) = i0 e-t/τInductor current decay

⚡ Step Response Formulas (RC & RL Circuits)

📌 For Capacitors in RC Circuits:

RC Charging Voltage vC(t) = Vf + (V0 - Vf) e-t/τ General capacitor voltage formula
Special Case (Uncharged Capacitor Charging) vC(t) = Vs (1 - e-t/τ) When V0 = 0, capacitor starts from 0V
RC Discharging Voltage vC(t) = V0 e-t/τ When capacitor discharges, Vf = 0
RC Time Constant τ = RC Time for voltage to reach ~63% of Vf

⚡ For Inductors in RL Circuits:

RL Current Response iL(t) = If + (I0 - If) e-t/τ General inductor current response
Special Case (Inductor Starting from 0A) iL(t) = Is (1 - e-t/τ) When I0 = 0, inductor builds current
RL Discharging (Decay of Inductor Current) iL(t) = I0 e-t/τ Inductor current decreases over time
RL Time Constant τ = L/R Time for current to reach ~63% of If

🔗 Thevenin & Norton Equivalents

Thevenin VoltageVth = Vopen-circuitVoltage seen at terminals when load is removed
Norton CurrentIN = Vth / RthCurrent when terminals are shorted

🔎 Circuit Analysis Techniques

Superposition TheoremSolve circuit by considering one source at a time
Nodal AnalysisUses KCL and node voltages to solve circuits
SupernodeUsed when voltage sources connect two nodes
Mesh AnalysisUses KVL and mesh currents to solve circuits
SupermeshUsed when a current source exists between two meshes

🔍 (For Nerds)


📢 Disclaimer

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What I Think:
"Knowledge Should Be Shared Only With The One Who Knows Its True Worth! Not Everyone Deserves It."
- Bilal Ahmad Khan AKA Mr. BILRED


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